Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Body

Now that I have the basic head shape cut and glued I'm ready to start the body. Similar to the head, first I rough out a pattern and then cut the peices out of large paper. Here's some sketches I did thinking about the body shape. I decided to go with the more rectangular body to give Vincent a broader look. One of his doctors did say he was built like a railroad worker and he spent days wondering the countryside hauling all his art gear on his back.

Here I have pinned everything together and am getting a feel for how the puppet will work. By this point I am starting to feel a bit like a mad scientist bringing something to life. I am also feeling like I am a HUGE dork.

A close up of the pinnings....

And the poor pinee.

1 comment:

  1. Holy Shit man, you are making puppets?? That's cool. I was thinking of making a puppet, although from the outset I know it will be a dilapidated crap-fest of a puppet. I wanted to make a little puppet of either Socrates or something.

    BTW - You know Stephen King's story that was made into 'Stand By Me'? It was originally titled "The Body"....

